

Название Год выпуска Платформы

Bubble Multiverse (Заморожена)


2016 Browser, iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android

Sengoku Basara: Sanada Yukimura-Den


2016 PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4

Sid Meier's Civilization VI


2016 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux


Firaxis Games, Feral Interactive (Lnx/Mac/iOS/And), The Workshop Entertainment (PS4/X1)

2016 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII

Koei Tecmo

2016 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Eisenwald: Blood of November

Aterdux Entertainment

2016 PC (Windows)

Master of Orion (2016)

NGD Studios

2016 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Predynastic Egypt

Clarus Victoria

2016 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux, SteamOS

Endless Space 2

Amplitude Studios

2016 PC (Windows)

Battlestation: Harbinger


2016 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux

Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers

Bandai Namco

2016 PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4

Genjuu Keiyaku Cryptract

Bank of Innovation, Lionsfilm

2015 iPhone / iPod, iPad, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4

The Battles of King Arthur (Отменена)

Excalibur Publishing

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Sid Meier's Starships

Firaxis Games

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, iPad

Total War: Attila

Creative Assembly

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Astro Emporia

Squirrelbot Games

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Android, Linux



2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Dead Eyes


2015 iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android

Fallen: A2P Protocol

Red Katana

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Simply Chess

BlueLine Games

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux, SteamOS

Hard West

CreativeForge Games

2015 PC (Windows), Nintendo Switch

Braveland Pirate

Tortuga Team

2015 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux

Thea: The Awakening

MuHa Games

2015 PC (Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Skyshine's Bedlam

Skyshine Games

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Human Extinction Simulator

Machine 22

2015 PC (Windows)

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.

Intelligent Systems

2015 Nintendo 3DS

Might & Magic: Heroes VII

Limbic Entertaiment

2015 PC (Windows)


League of Geeks

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux



2015 PC (Windows)

StarDrive 2

Zero Sum Games

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide

Hammerfall Publishing

2015 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, iPad

SteamWorld Heist

Image and Form International

2015 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, Nintendo 3DS, iPad, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Blackguards 2

Daedalic Entertainment

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Frozen Cortex

Mode 7 Games

2015 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Streets of Chaos

SimProse Studios

2015 PC (Windows)

European War 4: Napoleon


2014 iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android

Qurare: Magic Library

Smilegate, palmple

2014 iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android, PlayStation 4

Mordheim: City of the Damned

Rogue Factor

2014 PC (Windows)

Invisible, Inc.

Klei Entertainment

2014 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Linux, PlayStation 4

Worms Battlegrounds


2014 PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Galactic Civilizations III


2014 PC (Windows)

Langrisser Mobile

Yang Ting

2014 iPhone / iPod, iPad


Tortuga Team

2014 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux



2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Android, Linux, SteamOS

Sid Meier's Civilization: Revolution 2

2K Games

2014 iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android

Super Heroine Chronicle: Chou Heroine Senki

Bandai Namco Games

2014 PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita

Braveland Wizard

Tortuga Team

2014 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux, Windows Phone

Masou Kishin F: Coffin of the End

Bandai Namco

2014 PlayStation 3

Chaos Reborn

Snapshot Games

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Legions of Ashworld


2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Making History: The Great War

Muzzy Lane Software

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Aerena: Clash of Champions

Cliffhanger Productions

2014 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad

Warmachine: Tactics

WhiteMoon Dreams

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Firaxis Games

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Jagged Alliance: Flashback

Full Control

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Sorcerer King


2014 PC (Windows)

Worlds of Magic

Wastelands Interactive, Lucid Dreamers Development

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Frozen Synapse Prime

Double Eleven

2014 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita

Endless Legend

Amplitude Studios

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh

The Nightmare Cooperative

Lucky Frame

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Card City Nights

Ludosity AB, Ludosity Interactive

2014 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux

Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon

Flashback Games, The Lordz Games Studio

2014 PC (Windows), iPad

Warlock 2: The Exiled

Ino-Co Plus

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Sword of the Stars: Ground Pounders

Kerberos Productions

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Android, Linux

Lords of the Black Sun

Neogen2 Creations

2014 PC (Windows)

Age of Wonders III

Triumph Studios

2014 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Panzer General Online

Blue Byte Studio, Funatics Software

2013 Browser

Leviathan: Warships

Paradox Interactive

2013 PC (Windows), Macintosh, iPad, Android

Panzer Corps: Allied Corps

The Lordz Game Studio

2013 PC (Windows)

Z/X: Zillions of Enemy X — Zekkai no Crusade


2013 PlayStation 3


Daedalic Entertainment

2013 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes


2013 PC (Windows)

Skyward Collapse

Arcen Games

2013 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Sid Meier's Ace Patrol

Firaxis Games

2013 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod

Accel World: Kasoku no Chouten

Bandai Namco Games

2013 PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3

Bounders and Cads

Wax Lyrical Games

2013 PC (Windows)

Battle Worlds: Kronos


2013 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Total War: Rome II

Creative Assembly

2013 PC (Windows)

Pandora: First Contact

Proxy Studios

2013 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Tank Operations: European Campaign

Linked Dimensions

2013 PC (Windows)

Omerta: City of Gangsters


2013 PC (Windows), Xbox 360

ARMA Tactics

Bohemia Interactive

2013 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux

Warhammer Quest

Rodeo Games, Twistplay

2013 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Linux

Espana 1936


2013 PC (Windows)

Deadman's Cross

Square Enix

2013 iPhone / iPod, iPad, PlayStation Vita, Android

Might & Magic X: Legacy

Ubisoft Entertainment

2013 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Space Hulk (2013)

Full Control

2013 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad

Skulls of the Shogun

17 Bit

2013 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, iPhone / iPod, iPad, Windows Mobile

Эадор: Владыки миров

Unicorn Games Studio, Алексей Бокулев, Snowbird Game Studios

2013 PC (Windows), Linux

Nobunaga's Ambition: Creation

Tecmo Koei

2013 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4

Elemental: Fallen Enchantress


2012 PC (Windows)

Disciples III: Перерождение

hex studio

2012 PC (Windows)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Firaxis Games, Feral Interactive (Mac)

2012 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, PlayStation Vita, Android, Linux

Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps

The Lordz Games Studio

2012 PC (Windows)

Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land

Red Wasp Design

2012 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android

Magic: The Gathering — Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013

Stainless Games

2012 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, iPhone / iPod

Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign

2x2 Games

2012 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Conquest of Elysium 3

Illwinter Design Group

2012 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Frontline Tactics

Full Control, WIT Entertainment

2012 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh

War of Sonria


2012 PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
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