

Название Год выпуска Платформы

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game

TT Games

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland


2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch

Hellgate: Tokyo

T3 Entertainment

2011 PC (Windows)

Magic: The Gathering — Tactics

Sony Online Entertainment

2011 PC (Windows)

Dark Souls

From Software

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Serious Sam 3: BFE


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Macintosh, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Slam Bolt Scrappers

Fire Hose Games

2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3

Tsubasa no Oka no Hime: A Red and Blue Moon — Finite Loop


2011 PC (Windows)

Bean's Quest


2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, Android, Linux

Treasure Seekers IV: The Time Has Come

Artogon Games

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, iPad

Trouble Witches

Adventure Planning Service

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, Arcade, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch

The Agency of Anomalies: Mystic Hospital


2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, iPad



2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, iPhone / iPod, iPad, PlayStation Vita, Android, Nintendo Switch

Gatling Gears

Vanguard Entertainment Group

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Stronghold 3

Firefly Studios

2011 PC (Windows)

Cities in Motion

Colossal Order

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Orcs Must Die!

Robot Entertainment

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360


Dancing Dots

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Rayman Origins

Ubisoft Montpellier

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita

Relations: Sister x Sister

Aile Soft

2011 PC (Windows)



2011 PC (Windows), Wii U

Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari


2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Pirates of Black Cove

Nitro Games

2011 PC (Windows)

Iron Brigade

Double Fine Productions

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360

The Flower Shop: Winter in Fairbrook


2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux

Vermilion: Bind of Blood


2011 PC (Windows)

Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising

Heatwave Interactive

2011 PC (Windows)

The Blackwell Deception

Wadjet Eye Games

2011 PC (Windows)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2012

Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo

2011 PlayStation 2, PC (Windows), PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo 3DS

Chernobyl: Terrorist Attack


2011 PC (Windows)

Dead Island


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One


Supergiant Games, BlitWorks (PS4/Vita)

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, PlayStation Vita, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Shattered Minds: Masquerade

Vast Studios

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad

Twisted Lands: Insomniac

Alawar Stargaze

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

CD Projekt RED

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, Macintosh, Linux

Project Zomboid

The Indie Stone

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Riptide GP

Vector Unit

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android


baKno Games

2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux, OUYA

The Binding of Isaac

Edmund McMillen, Florian Himsl

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Dino D-Day

800 North and Digital Ranch

2011 PC (Windows)

Frozen Synapse

Mode 7 Games

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, iPad, Linux

Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded (Отменена)

Interceptor Entertainment


еще не вышла

PC (Windows)

Red Faction: Armageddon


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Проклятие Монтесумы

Alawar Entertainment

2011 PC (Windows)


Astro Port

2011 PC (Windows)

Crazy Machines: Elements

FAKT Software

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

King's Bounty: Legions

KranX Productions, Nival

2011 PC (Windows), Browser, iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Windows Phone

Wanderlust: Rebirth

Yeti Trunk

2011 PC (Windows)


Team Xonotic

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

PuppetShow 3: Lost Town

ERS Game Studios

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad

Payday: The Heist

Overkill Software

2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3

From Dust

Ubisoft Montpellier

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Day's Eye


2011 PC (Windows)


Alientrap Software

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360

Bunch of Heroes

NGD Studios

2011 PC (Windows)


Trion World Network

2011 PC (Windows)

Oni Asobi

Die Blaue Laterne

2011 PC (Windows)

Doom & Destiny

HeartBit Interactive, Matteo Nicolotti

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, iPhone / iPod, iPad, Android, Linux, Windows Phone

The Zombies


2011 PC (Windows)

Shingakkou: Noli me Tangere


2011 PC (Windows)

Steel Storm

Creative Artel

2011 PC (Windows)

Dengeki Stryker


2011 PC (Windows)

Cardinal Quest

Ido Yehieli, Joshua E Day

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, Linux

Getsuei Gakuen: Ergo


2011 PC (Windows)

NBA 2K12

Visual Concepts

2011 PlayStation 2, PC (Windows), PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

THQ Warrington, Nomad Games (PC)

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Winx Club. День рождения Блум

PIPE Studio

2011 PC (Windows)

Shiver: Vanishing Hitchhiker

Artogon Games

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad

The Fruit of Grisaia

Front Wing

2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Android

Nuclear Dawn

InterWave Studios

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Solar 2


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, Macintosh, iPad, Android, Linux

Your Diary


2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation Portable

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend

Arc System Works

2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita

World End Economica

Spicy Tails

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Nintendo 3DS, Android, Linux, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch

Kansei: The Second Turn


2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Rainbow Web III

Sugar Games (Michail Tretyakov)

2011 PC (Windows)

Pure Tears


2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Kaii Syndrome

Yuuyami no Kisetsu

2011 PC (Windows)

Renegade Ops


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Runespell: Overture

Mystic Box

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Total War: Shogun 2

Creative Assembly

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh

Irotoridori no Sekai


2011 PC (Windows)

Battlefield 3


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Dead Block

Candygun Games

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Dead Pixels


2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360

Paca Plus

Paco Project

2011 PC (Windows)

Serious Sam: Double D

Mommy's Best Games

2011 PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Haunted Manor 2: Queen Of Death

Top Evidence Studio

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Macintosh, iPad

A Game of Thrones: Genesis


2011 PC (Windows)

FIFA Manager 12

Bright Future

2011 PC (Windows)

Demolition Inc.


2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, Android

The Grinder (Отменена)

High Voltage Software


еще не вышла

PC (Windows), Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii

Cage: Open


2011 PC (Windows)


Recoil Games

2011 PC (Windows), PlayStation 3, Macintosh, Linux

Project Black Sun

Starflower Games

2011 PC (Windows), Macintosh, Linux

Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack

Be-Rad Entertainment

2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, Android


Platonic F.F

2011 PC (Windows)

Gemini Rue

A Joshua Nuernberger Production

2011 PC (Windows)

Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi


2011 PC (Windows), iPhone / iPod, iPad