Тексты Песен (Song Lyrics) [Версия 3.57]
В этой статье будут публиковаться тексты песен из Final Fantasy XIV по мере их появления.
Песни упорядочены в соответствии с их очерёдностью при прохождении игры, учитывая версию 1.0.
Представлены только те тексты, которые были официально опубликованы.
Композитор: Nobuo Uematsu
Текст: Yaeko Sato / Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Susan Calloway
Появление в игре: Опенинг
Версия: 1.0
Релизы: Before Meteor FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer?
Release your hands, for your will drags us under.
My legs grow tired, tell us where must we wander?
How can we carry on if redemption's beyond us?
To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant.
To all of my children in whom Death hath passed his judgement.
The soul years for honour, and the flesh the hereafter.
Look to those who walked before to lead those who walked after.
Shining is the Land's light of justice.
Ever flows the Land's well of purpose.
Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe…
The Land is alive, so believe…
Suffer [Feel] Promise [Think] Witness [Teach] Reason [Hear]
Follow [Feel] Wander [Think] Stumble [Teach] Listen [Speak]
Honour [Speak] Value [Tell] Whisper [Tell] Mention [Hope]
Ponder [Hope] Warrant [Wish] Cherish [Wish] Welcome [Roam]
Witness [Roam] Listen [Roam] Suffer [Roam] Sanction [Sleep]
Weather [Sleep] Wander [Sleep] Answer [Sleep on]
Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated.
Still deaf to our cries, lost in hope we lie defeated.
Our souls have been torn and our bodies forsaken.
Bearing sins of the past, for our future is taken.
War born of strife, these trials persuade us not.
[Feel what?] [Learn what?]
Words without sound, these lies betray our thoughts.
Mired by a plague of doubt, the Land, she mourns.
[See what?] [Hear what?]
Judgement binds all we hold to a memory of scorn.
Tell us why, given Life, we are meant to die, helpless in our cries?
Witness [Feel] Suffer [Think] Borrow [Teach] Reason [Hear]
Follow [Feel] Stumble [Think] Wander [Teach] Listen [Blink]
Whisper [Blink] Shoulder [Blink] Ponder [Blink] Weather [Hear]
Answer [Look] Answer [Think] Answer Together
Thy Life is a riddle, to bear rapture and sorrow.
To listen, to suffer, to entrust unto tomorrow.
In one fleeting moment, from the Land doth life flow.
Yet in one fleeting moment, for anew it doth grow.
In that same fleeting moment,
Thou must live
And know.
Fallen Angel
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Fukiko Sekine
Появление в игре: Битва с Гарудой
Версия: 1.0
Релизы: Before Meteor FFXIV Original Soundtrack
A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~
FINAL FANTASY XIV Frontiers Ishgard
FINAL FANTASY XIV Eorzean Frontiers
>>> Текст песни <<<
Now fall…
Falling too far from the light
Deeper into the night
Lost here inside my own hell
I am a broken angel
Good King Moggle Mog XII
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Yuriko Nagata
Появление в игре: Битва с Королём Муглов
Версия: 1.0
Релизы: Before Meteor FFXIV Original Soundtrack
A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
FINAL FANTASY XIV Frontiers Gridania
FINAL FANTASY XIV Eorzean Frontiers
>>> Текст песни <<<
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
Lord of all the land! (Kupo!)
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
Rules with iron hand!
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
Leads the brave and true!
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
Now come along and meet his trusty crew!
Kupta Kapa will clip your tuft,
Split your hairs, and ruffle your fluff!
Kupdi Koop will throw you for a loop,
Brave a wall of whiskers to find his troop!
Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet,
He'll tickle your nose then tickle your feet.
Jolly Kogi's eye for fun is clear,
He'll put an arrow straight in your rear!
Pukla Puki plays with fire,
Poms a-burning on her pyre!
Puksi Piko likes her buddies big,
To sing a little song and dance a little jig!
Pukna Pako shivers and shakes,
She'll stick you in the gut, and give you bellyaches!
And who's behind them standing tall?
Why the biggest moogle of them all!
(Who!? Who!? Whoever could it be!?)
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
Kind and Noble Lord! (Hear, hear!)
Now nod your noggle nog, and mind your gob!
Or he'll put you to the sword!
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
His judgment you will dread!
Good King Moggle Mog, Good King Mog!
What do you decree?
What do you decree?
What do you decree!?
Off with their heads!
Rise of the White Raven
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битва с Nael Deus Darnus
Версия: 1.0
Релизы: Before Meteor FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
FINAL FANTASY XIV Frontiers Ishgard
FINAL FANTASY XIV Eorzean Frontiers
>>> Текст песни <<<
Corvus fortis
Corvus fortis
Corvus fortis ascendit
Superne videt praeteritum
Praesentem et futurum videt
Res evertuntur repente
Ad unum omnes sunt mortui dei
Machinae regnabunt in caelo
Ratio regnabit in terra
Corvum candidum exhilaramus
Ecce! Extendit trans mundi alas
Vocat lucem rubram excidii
Fulget luce rubrae victoriae
Imperium ave!
Ave imperium!
Ave imperium!
Testate adventu fati.
Testate adventu Dalamud!
The dauntless raven
The dauntless raven
The dauntless raven rises up.
From on high, he marks the past;
Marks the present; marks the future.
A revolution is upon us.
All the gods are dead.
Machines will rule the heavens.
Reason will rule the land.
Exalt we the White Raven.
Behold! His wings enfold the world.
He calls down the red light of destruction.
He glows with the red light of victory.
The Empire!
The Empire!
Hail to the Empire!
Hail to the Empire!
Hail to the Empire!
Bear witness to the advent of Fate.
Bear witness to the advent of Dalamud!
Dalamud Answers
Композитор: Nobuo Uematsu
Текст: Yaeko Sato / Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Susan Calloway
Появление в игре: Конец 1.0
Версия: 1.23b
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.
Under the Weight
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Появление в игре: Битва с Титаном
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~
>>> Текст песни <<<
Wrought from the rock that stands upon old,
With heart of black and a stare that's cold.
Cold are the hands that grasp at your soul,
'Fore the graves are dug and the death knells toll.
Tempered in the flows of the mountain's core,
Where the rage runs red twixt shore and shore.
Shorn from the world 'neath the blazing sun,
Bound to the dark, for the light I shun!
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (In hell I wait)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Succumb to the hate that corrupts your fate!
Into the dark of an endless night,
Where the pulse of the land offers no respite.
In spite of the blood that was spilled before,
You whet your blades, you thirst for more.
Now kneel overdweller, your lord commands,
There's no salvation for the sons of man.
The skies will tremble and the earth will quake,
From the crumbling walls no one escapes!
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (In hell I wait)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
Bow down, overdweller! (Under the weight)
I'll drag you right down to the seventh gate!
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Данжен Praetorium
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
The Maker's Ruin
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Первая битва с Ultima Weapon
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Una pugnamus
Una morimur
We fight
We die
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Остальные битвы с Ultima Weapon и Proto Ultima
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Текст был получен путём использования генератора случайных фраз из базы данных с латинскими словами. И соответственно он не имеет смысла.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Fukiko Sekine
Появление в игре: Битвы с Lahabrea, Behemoth, Twintania, Nabriales, Igeyorhm, Ascian Prime
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Dawn of a New Era
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Эндинг
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Terra nata fantasia!
A world born of fantasy!
Calamity Unbound
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битвы с боссами в Coil of Bahamut
Версия: 2.0
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Through the Gloom
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Данжен Pharos Sirius
Версия: 2.1 / 2.38 (Расширенная версия)
Релизы: A Realm Reborn FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Through the Maelstrom
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Masayoshi Soken / Tidus Seven
Появление в игре: Битва с Левиафаном
Версия: 2.2
Релизы: From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~
Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Endless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Send us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Breathless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Deathless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Restless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Test us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Tend us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Mend us!)
Drifting in the realm beyond all knowing.
Forsaken, shedding tears of glass.
Now tumbling from the boundless heavens, taken.
White moondrops, burning indigo!
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Endless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Send us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Breathless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Deathless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Restless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Test us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Bend us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Rend us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Vengeance!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Penance!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Send us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (End us!)
Silence from the knife that softly severs.
Mistaken for an unsung prayer.
Now rising from the soundless Deep. Awaken.
White fury, blinding indigo!
Swell ye seas of old; Leviathan! Leviathan!
Surging tides grow bold; Leviathan!
Seething currents whorl; Leviathan! Leviathan!
To swallow up the world; Leviathan! Leviathan!
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Endless!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Send us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (Rend us!)
Leviathan! Leviathan! (End us!)
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: -
Вокал: Masami Abe / Masayoshi Soken
Появление в игре: Ивент Hatching-tide
Версия: 2.21
Релизы: From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~
Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Thunder Rolls
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Akane Ikeya
Появление в игре: Битва с Рамухом
Версия: 2.3
Релизы: From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~
Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Ula menida tula oh (Hoary Arbor, Lord of Light)
Tela omnida tula ei (Thine advent quelleth creeping night)
Ona ramuhda deme os (The wicked burn, their pyres bright)
Nola tulama tela ei (Smote by Levin's blinding might)
Soul without a name, heed my call
Sin doth stain the hearts of us all
The worm hath burrowed deep and hath grown
Soon he too shall reap what is sown
Step into the storm, know its mercy
Let the wind and the rain crash down over thee
Lightning bright, thunder bold
Guiding us forevermore
Soul fallen from grace, ware thee well
Judgment thou must face, thine own hell
The worm stirreth within, black as night
Breeding deeper sin, foul its blight
Soul, thine end is nigh. Take mine hand
All life must return to the land
Lingered hath the worm, overlong
Purge thy flesh of fear and be strong
Step in from the storm, praise its mercy
Let the sting of the rain ne'er stray far from thee
Lightning bright, thunder bold
Freeing us forevermore
Now lift thine heavy head and vanquish thy sorrow
Lightning doth strike
Thunder doth roll
Now turn thy gaze ahead and look to the morrow
Lightning shall strike
Thunder shall roll on
Answers Reprise
Композитор: Nobuo Uematsu
Текст: Yaeko Sato / Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Susan Calloway
Появление в игре: Ивент The Rising
Версия: 2.35
Релизы: Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
The Warrens
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Данжен Snowcloak
Версия: 2.4
Релизы: Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Footsteps in the Snow
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битва с Шивой
Версия: 2.4
Релизы: Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Ayumi Murata / Akane Ikeya
Появление в игре: Битва с Шивой
Версия: 2.4
Релизы: From Astral to Umbral ~ Arrangement Album ~
Before the Fall FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
>>> Текст песни <<<
Staring at death, I take a breath, there's nothing left.
Now close my eyes, for one last time, and say goodbye.
Lying naked while the snow falls all around me;
Drifting closer to the edge but She won't have me!
Wake up in sweat, full of regret, try to forget.
These memories, lurking beneath, lost in a dream…
Unchosen paths, a broken past, forespoken wrath.
The pain won't cease, I'll find no peace, no sweet release.
Fragile creatures, we are taught to fear the Reaper;
Ever running, we are dead before we meet Her!
These voices telling me let it go! (Let it all go!)
I try and try but I can't say no! (Try and say no!)
This endless nightmare has just begun! (Nowhere to run!)
My heart is dragging me down into oblivion!
The endless lies, I've cast aside, locked them in ice.
Steeled is my soul, my blood grown cold, I've gained control.
Fearless creatures, we all learn to fight the Reaper;
Can't defeat Her, so instead I'll have to be Her!
These voices screaming to let it go! (Never let go!)
This time I'm screaming back no no no! (Go on say no!)
My mind is made up, yeah my fear is gone! (Where have you gone?)
Open my eyes now here I come, oblivion!
For the last time (I won't say goodbye)
For the last time (I won't say goodbye)
For the last time (I won't say goodbye)
For the last time
Heavensward [+ Extended]
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Omega Bone / Music Creation
Появление в игре: Трейлеры аддона Heavensward
Версия: 3.0
Релизы: FINAL FANTASY XIV Heavensward -EP- Vol. 1
Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Beneath the gazing stars
Vales deep and forests dark
Betrayed by loyal hands, Her wrath stirred
Bound fast unto our fate
One path, one burden great
Yet ever do our aching souls point Heavensward
Ever rings out our song
Yes, ever do our aching souls march Heavensward
As they've done for so long
To their trespass
We are Witness
Here to pass this
Final sentence
No forgiveness
No deliverance
Only Justice
Only Vengeance
Wills unbending
Faith unending
Stone defending
Now our steel shall sing
Guide us, O mighty Fury
Guide us to victory!
Dys an sohm in [Our slumber disturbed]
Rohs an kyn [My brothers wake]
Sahl djahs afah an [Vengeance will be ours]
Mah morn narr [The saviors must parish]
Композитор: Nobuo Uematsu
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Kazutoyo Maehiro
Вокал: Susan Calloway
Появление в игре: Опенинг Heavensward
Версия: 3.0
Релизы: FINAL FANTASY XIV Heavensward -EP- Vol. 1
Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Children of the land do you hear
Echoes of truths that once rang clear
Two souls intertwined
One true love they did find
Bringing land and heavens near
But flames that burned full bright soon fell dark
Memories dimmed by shadowed hearts
In the waxing gloom
Did wane the lovers' moon
Watching as their worlds drift apart
One soul's cry
A passion welling within
A final plea to her kin
Yet this bond of hope
By treachery was broke
Scattering her words to the wind
Swelling overlong
Seas of blood are a song
And death an afterthought
To those who fight for naught
A throne lying empty
A reign incomplete
Alone for eternity
A pain without cease
Children of the land answer this
Why must you turn to empty bliss
Tell me why break trust
Why turn the past to dust
Seeking solace in the abyss
Tell me why create
A circle none can break
Why must you let go
The life you were bestowed
This I fear I'll never know
Never know…
The Hand that Gives the Rose
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битва с Раваной
Версия: 3.0
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Unbending Steel
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Dan Inoue
Появление в игре: Битва с Раваной
Версия: 3.0
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
>>> Текст песни <<<
High, on high I stand
Gazing down to see
The endless garden
Awaiting me
Red bloometh the rose of conviction
And red bloometh the rose of hate
Yes red bloometh the rose of conquest
Firmly bound to its fate
And the war, it wageth on
The storm, it rageth on
The bold ever fight on
Their lives echoed in song
Fall, like snow they fall
Petals plucked and strewn
Yet from their seeds grow
This war anew
Blood trickling down from my fullers
And blood trickling down from mine hands
Yes, blood trickling down to Hydaelyn
Until I alone stand
The war, still wageth on
The storm, still rageth on
The bold blindly march on
Their lives, lost in a song
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Данжен The Aetherochemical Research Facility
Версия: 3.0
Релизы: FINAL FANTASY XIV Heavensward -EP- Vol. 1
Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битва с King Thordan
Версия: 3.0
Релизы: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward -EP- Vol. 1
Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Masayoshi Soken
Появление в игре: Битвы с боссами в Александре
Версия: 3.01
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
>>> Текст песни <<<
Seeking the peace of reason
Sheep in a peaceless season
Reason to keep believing
Waken the beast who's sleeping
Let go this destiny, you're caught in a trance
Ever marking time inside a dream, no sign of advance,
You see, the mortal coil we serve is taut like a spring
Step back! Two-step, two-step, two-step, one two three
Our world's a fantasy, no more than a test
Ever feeding off the fallacy creating this mess
Deep down, inside this bleak machine with all of the rest
Break free! Two-phase, two-phase electricity
Time turning up the volume
Time turning on us always
No time enough tomorrow
For turning back to where we began!
Twenty-two sectors tested
Fragments in one direction
Celestial noise detected
Delirium unsuspected
Static tuned in to reason
Time in the aether deepens
Transmissions blink uncompleted
Seven two three two three… <send>
Arrested destiny, alone in a trance
No escaping from this waking dream, no hope for advance,
You see, the mortal coil we serve is naught but a spring
Unwind! Too slow, too quick, too much to believe
Your world's a fantasy, you've failed the test
Ever forging all new fallacies creating more mess
Directly through this bleak machine, with all of the rest
DC! Dying, dying, electricity
Falling back right into the system of
Falling back on all that's erased
When fighting back right out of this system
Means falling back right into this space!
Yes, falling back right in with the system
Who'll see you falling back to the end
When falling back is better than simply
Falling back into pieces again
Silent steel breathing, breathing
Memory writing, reading
Error! Repeat deleting
Radicals flowing free and
Energy slowly seeping
Suspending all disbelief in
Synergy with our being
Synapses fire in three, then…
Metal [+ Extended]
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Masayoshi Soken
Появление в игре: Битвы с The Manipulator, Onslaughter и Refurbisher 0 в Александре
Версия: 3.01
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
>>> Текст песни <<<
Snap click crank whirr whizz wham boom!
Wheels humsing uplander doom!
Crack thoom snap bam bim bangy zoom!
Ah, nearsoon firebloom, crimson FOOM!
Stop dizzyheels of the wicked
Defuse, pop! Debone, slup! Deflate…
No busydeals for the wicked
Too late, far too late, far too late!
Wake the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Create the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Enfold the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Control the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Embrace the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Reraise the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Restore the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Live for the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Slap tick clank purr fizz blam crash!
Bluehand back, uplander bash!
Whack vroom clap slam zing spinny splash!
Not farsoon we smash heads, we dash!
Boom! gobbie-bombs gobbie-neckbreaks
Again and again and again!
Doom! gobbie-hands gobbie-endmakes
The end! Oh, the end! Yes, the end!
Wake the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Create the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Enfold the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Control the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Embrace the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Reraise the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Restore the metal (boom gobbiedoom!)
Live for the metal (doom gobbieboom!)
Upon the Rocks
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Eva Kappeller
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Данжен Pharos Sirius (Hard)
Версия: 3.1
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Heroes Never Die
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битва с King Thordan (Extreme)
Версия: 3.1
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Voidal Manifest
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битвы с Echidna, Calofisteri и Scathach
Версия: 3.1
Релизы: Heavensward FFXIV Original Soundtrack
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Dan Inoue
Появление в игре: Битва с Sephirot
Версия: 3.2
Релизы: Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
>>> Текст песни <<<
What is it like when you pull back the curtain
And realize every wrong is a right?
Your world is rusted like a dirty razor
The edge is calling tonight
The edge is calling tonight
The edge is calling tonight
The sun is setting, darkness taking over
A date with chaos and
you're dressed to the nines
Salt of the earth salting your own fields
Road to destruction that is true and tried
You walk the path laid before you
The call of reason, you refuse to abide
Necessity is an inventive mother
Promising sanctum that She cannot provide
She is the hand that rocks the cradle
The wind that breaks the bough
and leaves you to die
And there She leaves you to die
And there She leaves you to die
You'll find slumber when the world comes tumbling down
Sweet dreams, baby. Sleep tight!
Retreat where lesser men lead
Flee from what you do not see
Heed the dark within your being
Turn away
I'm the end and the beginning
The faith that feeds the unbelieving
A tightening knot to staunch the bleeding
Say my name
Say my name
The seventh hell's become
your seventh heaven
Rose of redemption but a thorn in your pride
Waste no more time fighting your demons
Lay down your arms and let the evil inside
And then you let it inside
And then you let it inside
You let it eat you till there's nothing left at all
So you can feel that you are truly alive
Better to serve in a waking nightmare
Than rule in their paradise
What is gold, always glitters
But it still comes with an unpayable price
Treading out upon the stagnant waters
Our savior waiting for a turn in the tide
You are the night at the end of the tunnel
The empty void where the serpent lies
Where the serpent lies
Where the serpent lies
The angels graze in the meadows of excess
They must needs go that the devils drive
Retreat where lesser men lead
Flee from what you do not see
Concede your mind unto the fiend
Turn away
Debts are paid
I'm the end and the beginning
The drug that gives
the wretched meaning
The answer every soul is seeking
Say my name
Say my name
Brute Justice
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Masayoshi Soken
Появление в игре: Битва с Brute Justice в Александре
Версия: 3.2
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Данжен Sohr Khai
Версия: 3.3
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.
Final Steps of Faith
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битва с Nidhogg
Версия: 3.3
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.
Revenge Twofold
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Music Creation
Появление в игре: Битвы с финальными боссами данженов, начиная с версии 3.4
Версия: 3.4
Релизы: Duality ~ Arrangement Album ~
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Ayumi Murata
Появление в игре: Битва с Sophia
Версия: 3.4
Релизы: нет
>>> Текст песни <<<
The sigh of the shifting sea
The kiss of the salt-sweet breeze
The white of her silken dress stained in red
A memory fading fast,
Her mother sits, eyes downcast
A torn uniform in hand, farewells unsaid
That once a certainty, lost in grief
A daughter's desperate cries, unheard pleas
Forsaken, beaten, tried, on her knees
A prayer passes from her lips
Into her soul the Goddess whispers:
"A heartbeat without harmony
Is moonlight without dark
The heart beat seeketh equilibrium
With balance will your worry part,
"So still this broken melody
And therewith shoulder thee
One last step only leaving
An empty hearth dawn by the sea
An empty hearth dawn by the sea"
Exponential Entropy
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Masayoshi Soken
Появление в игре: Битва с Cruise Chaser в Александре
Версия: 3.4
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.
Композитор: Masayoshi Soken
Текст: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Вокал: Michael-Christopher Koji Fox / Masayoshi Soken
Появление в игре: Битва с Alexander Prime в Александре
Версия: 3.4
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.
Blasphemous Experiment
Композитор: Masaharu Iwata
Текст: ???
Вокал: ???
Появление в игре: Битва с Nybeth Obdilord в Palace of the Dead
Версия: 3.45
Релизы: нет
Официального текста нет.